Here at Marin Family Chiropractic, we believe in the importance of delivering the highest chiropractic care for our community. We are committed to taking care of your health and providing the best patient care experience. You can be confident in knowing that you are receiving top-tier care from our team of qualified professionals. From regular chiropractic adjustments to pain relief treatments, we're here to help you get back to your full range of motion.
Dr. Vicki believes that healthcare is a collaborative partnership with the patient, as well as other healthcare providers. Dr. Vicki utilizes a variety of techniques when treating patients including Diversified, Thompson drop, and Cox Flexion/Distraction; soft tissue techniques such as Graston, cupping, Trigger Point therapy, and ART; and instrumented assisted Activator technique. Dr. Vicki utilizes therapeutic ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation (E-Stim), cold laser, Kinesio tape, and rehabilitation exercises to enhance patient outcomes and decrease the likelihood of future flare-ups.